Sample letter to customer for delay in delivery. Topics >. We sincerely apologize to you for the delay in delivery of the products you ordered with us. Due to . Jan 19, 2017 . Many companies dread writing apology letters to customers out of fear of for Delayed or Improper Shipping; Apologizing for Billing Issues. . and will be sending you a coupon for $10 off your next purchase in hopes of . A sample customer apology letter: Turn a negative complaint into a positive. In the sample letter below, there is an issue regarding a billing error to a customer. Sample apology letter for an invoice or billing error. Topics >. Don't worry about sending the payment until you receive the corrected invoice. If you have . I have a really great client that I have worked with for several years.. Of course I will promise to send regular invoices from now on--and I will.. Seems like what you need is part invoice and part apology. So, I'd. . If you send a letter and an invoice, you stand a good chance of getting someone (possibly a . Sample letters to apologize for an invoice or billing error.. Don't worry about sending payment until you receive the corrected invoice. Thank you for your . Sample apology letter for sending a bill or collection reminder by mistake. Thank you for sending us your concerns about the errors in your Annual billing . Letter to Apologize for Late Payment, Business to Business in the letter, such as the invoice number, amount owed, and when you will send the payment. Dear {Mr./Mrs. Name},. I am sincerely sorry for the delay in payment on {loan type }. I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this caused you. The delay ..